Rami Rak

Security & Privacy, Research & Development

There are only 2 hard problems in computer science:
cache invalidation, naming variables, and off-by-one errors

Get started

Parental Control System


Deployable monitoring program for windows machines


Secure server built on Spring-Boot and Spring-Security


React Native GUI for managing user requests

Cyber tools


Check your system integrity and scan for malicious files

Packet Detective

Libpcap network sniffer designed for Linux OS

Crack My Hash

Multithreaded brute force hash cracker

Security Apps


AI malware identifier based on thousands of malware samples


Whitelisting Anti-Malware Application


Secure your Linux devices easily with Iptables

Other Projects


FPS zombie apocalyptic survival game with unity-3d

Havoc Ransomware

Demonstration of ransomware activity on a local folder


Take back control over your privacy, erase and encrypt data with ease


Software Engineer & Researcher

B.Sc Degree in Software Engineering, Cyber Security specialisation, from Afeka - College of Engineering. Experienced in C, C++, Python, and Java programming languages. Knowledgeable in Linux, Computer Networking, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Databases and Distributed Systems.

Experienced in the following technologies: Spring Framework, Unity 3D, WinApi, PostgreSQL, Git, and much more.

C / C++ / WinApi / Sockets
Python / Machine Learning / Tkinter
Java / Spring Boot / Spring Security / REST Api
C# / Game Development / Unity3D / UnrealEngine 5
React Native Expo / JS


crackmyhash-demo darktables-demo

Capture The Flag Cyber Challenges

Challenge 1 - The fate of the world

World war II - The Germans are everywhere, always one step ahead of us. They are able to somehow hide their communications which gives them huge advantage in the battle. If we could somehow find a way to decipher their communication, we could win this war. We need help, and we need it ASAP.

Challenge 2 - Bob's final plan

Bob has been acting strange lately. His neighbors say that he stays up all night, laughing out loud from his basement, and that weird lights are coming out of his house. This leads me to believe that he is planning something evil. I could not find any more information about his doings since he will not talk to anyone, so I asked Eve to help me. Eve was able to infiltrate his network and to extract some files that may help us solve this mystery, and maybe to prevent a mess from happening, but those files seem unusual in their nature and we were not able to find out what they contain. Maybe you could help us.

Challenge 3 - Eve and friends

Someone hacked Eve's main site. Eve says she has no idea why anybody would like to target her, but in reality, the number of people that hate her is way too many to even count. The only way we can figure out who hacked her site is to investigate it closely. We already tried to do so but came up with nothing. We could really use the help of a professional here.

Challenge 4 - Let's catch them all

"I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, To train them is my cause! I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide. Each Pokemon to understand The power that's inside! Pokemon! Gotta catch them all! It's you and me, I know it's my destiny! Pokemon!"

Challenge 5 - Carol's mistake

Carol has asked me to help her with a technical problem she has. Apparently, while looking for a free Minecraft download, she accidently downloaded a malicious file containing a crypto-locker program. She has lost access to her important files and does not know what to do except crying, so I told her I will I help her. Well, I can’t ☹. Maybe you could help me, help her?

The turtle and the rabbit - made by ChatGPT

A turtle and rabbit in a race, A rivalry without a trace. The rabbit was quick and full of speed, The turtle was slow and had no need. But the turtle was brave and never gave in, Though the rabbit was fast, his will was thin. The turtle plodded on with a steady pace, Never giving up though in last place. The rabbit grew tired and started to lag, The turtle kept going, never to flag. Though the rabbit was fast, the turtle was strong, He kept on going, no matter how long. The turtle crossed the finish line first, The rabbit was shocked and his pride was burst. The turtle proved that it's not the speed, But courage and determination that succeed.